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Fl1tzi 4d38973a08 quick fix
Signed-off-by: Fl1tzi <git@tgerber.net>
2023-04-09 22:07:06 +00:00

15 lines
996 B

## TLDR; You have full control and responsibility over your data.
I'm trying to keep the collected data as little as possible. Aside from essential data required to keep the service running, I'm not collecting additional user or tracking data.
### User contributions
For all data you contribute (for example code, content, repositories, account details and settings), you have full responsibility and control to add, modify, create this data. If some data cannot be modified by users, this is considered a technical bug that needs urgent fixing. Please report all issues to the [data repository](https://git.fl1tzi.com/git.fl1tzi.com/data).
### Backup files
After you deleted your data in your account, rotating off-line backup files can continue to exist for up to 30 days according to GDPR guidelines.
### IP logging
Server log files can contain client IP addresses and user agent strings from connecting computers. These log files are destroyed automatically within at most seven days.