# automatic-certbot-renewal Simple setup for automatic renewal of certificates with Certbot and Nginx. (Because I always have to search for it...) 1. First of all `certbot` and `python3-certbot-nginx` have to be installed. 2. Put the configured sites in `/etc/nginx/conf.d/` 3. first of all generate the config: `sudo certbot --nginx -d example.site -d www.example.site` (⚠️ This will change your config) ## setup (standalone) 4. Put `/usr/bin/certbot renew --quiet` wherever it is needed (eg. Systemd timer/service, cron job) ## Setup (packaged) 4. Look if you have a service called `certbot-renew.service` and a timer called `certbot-renew.timer` 5. If both are present enable **only certbot-renew.timer**