
222 lines
6.7 KiB

mod blank;
mod counter;
mod space;
// modules
use self::counter::Counter;
use self::space::Space;
// other things
use crate::GLOBAL_FONT;
use crate::config::Button;
use async_trait::async_trait;
pub use deck_driver as streamdeck;
use futures_util::Future;
use image::imageops::{resize, self};
use image::io::Reader;
use image::{DynamicImage, Rgb, RgbImage, ImageBuffer};
use imageproc::drawing::draw_text_mut;
use imageproc::filter;
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use rusttype::Scale;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::io::{BufReader, self};
use std::pin::Pin;
use std::str::FromStr;
use std::{error::Error, sync::Arc};
pub use streamdeck::info::ImageFormat;
use streamdeck::info::Kind;
use streamdeck::AsyncStreamDeck;
pub use streamdeck::StreamDeckError;
use tokio::sync::mpsc;
use tracing::{debug, error, info, trace};
lazy_static! {
static ref MODULE_MAP: HashMap<&'static str, ModuleFunction> = {
let mut m = HashMap::new();
m.insert("counter", Counter::run as ModuleFunction);
m.insert("space", Space::run as ModuleFunction);
/// Events that are coming from the host
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub enum HostEvent {
/// The button was pressed
/// The button was released
pub type ModuleFuture = Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<(), ReturnError>> + Send>>;
pub type ModuleFunction = fn(DeviceAccess, ChannelReceiver, Arc<Button>) -> ModuleFuture;
pub fn retrieve_module_from_name(name: &str) -> Option<ModuleFunction> {
/// starts a module
#[tracing::instrument(name = "module", skip_all, fields(serial = serial, button = button.index, module = button.module))]
pub async fn start_module(
// Just for logging purpose
serial: String,
button: Arc<Button>,
module_function: ModuleFunction,
device: Arc<AsyncStreamDeck>,
br: ChannelReceiver,
) {
let da = DeviceAccess::new(device, button.index).await;
// actually run the module
match module_function(da, br, button).await {
Ok(_) => info!("CLOSED"),
Err(e) => error!("ERR: {:?}", e),
/// Wrapper to provide easier access to the Deck
pub struct DeviceAccess {
streamdeck: Arc<AsyncStreamDeck>,
kind: Kind,
index: u8,
impl DeviceAccess {
pub async fn new(streamdeck: Arc<AsyncStreamDeck>, index: u8) -> DeviceAccess {
let kind = streamdeck.kind();
DeviceAccess {
/// write a raw image to the Deck.
pub async fn write_raw_img(&self, img: &[u8]) -> Result<(), StreamDeckError> {
self.streamdeck.write_image(self.index, img).await
/// Write an image to the Deck.
pub async fn write_img(&self, img: DynamicImage) -> Result<(), StreamDeckError> {
self.streamdeck.set_button_image(self.index, img).await
/// reset the image.
pub async fn clear_img(&self) -> Result<(), StreamDeckError> {
pub fn format(&self) -> ImageFormat {
/// The resolution of the image on the Deck.
pub fn resolution(&self) -> (usize, usize) {
/// Draw an image with text
#[tracing::instrument(skip_all, fields(index = config.index))]
pub fn image_with_text(&self, image: DynamicImage, text: String, config: &Button) -> DynamicImage {
trace!("Render start");
let (w, h) = self.resolution();
let image_scaling = parse_config(&config, &"IMAGE_SCALE".into(), 65.0);
// TODO: lots of parsing. This can probbably be improved.
let new_h = (h as f32 * (image_scaling * 0.01)) as u32;
let new_w = (w as f32 * (image_scaling * 0.01)) as u32;
// Calculate percentage of which we can scale down to the button resolution.
// By taking the smallest it keeps the aspect ratio.
// let percentage = f32::min(deck_w / image.width() as f32, deck_h / image.height() as f32);
let image = image.resize_to_fill(new_w, new_h, image::imageops::FilterType::Nearest);
let mut base_image = RgbImage::new(h as u32, w as u32);
&mut base_image,
Rgb([255, 255, 255]),
h as i32 - 20,
Scale::uniform(parse_config(config, &"FONT_SIZE".into(), 15.0)),
// position at the middle
let free_space = w - image.width() as usize;
imageops::overlay(&mut base_image, &image.to_rgb8(), (free_space/2) as i64, 0);
trace!("Render end");
/// Draw text
#[tracing::instrument(skip_all, fields(index = config.index))]
pub fn text(&self, text: String, config: &Button) -> DynamicImage {
trace!("Render start");
let res = self.resolution();
let mut image = RgbImage::new(res.0 as u32, res.1 as u32);
&mut image,
Rgb([255, 255, 255]),
Scale::uniform(parse_config(config, &"FONT_SIZE".into(), 15.0)),
trace!("Render end");
/// Loads the image from the `IMAGE` option.
/// Displays [create_error_image] if it does not exist or cannot be loeded.
pub fn load_image(config: &Button) -> io::Result<DynamicImage> {
// TODO: maybe us an Option (faster?)
let file_path = parse_config(config, &"IMAGE".into(), "None".to_string());
if file_path == "None" {
return Ok(create_error_image());
Ok(Reader::open(file_path)?.decode().expect("Unable to decode image"))
/// A smooth red image which should represent an empty space
pub fn create_error_image() -> DynamicImage {
let mut error_img: RgbImage = ImageBuffer::new(1, 1);
for pixel in error_img.enumerate_pixels_mut() {
*pixel.2 = image::Rgb([240, 128, 128]);
/// reads a key from the config and parses the config in the given type
pub fn parse_config<T>(config: &Button, key: &String, if_wrong_type: T) -> T
T: FromStr,
let out = match config.options.get(key) {
Some(value) => value.parse::<T>().unwrap_or(if_wrong_type),
None => if_wrong_type,
pub type ReturnError = Box<dyn Error + Send + Sync>;
pub type ChannelReceiver = mpsc::Receiver<HostEvent>;
pub trait Module {
async fn run(
device: DeviceAccess,
receiver: ChannelReceiver,
config: Arc<Button>,
) -> Result<(), ReturnError>;