
431 lines
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// multiple functions for rendering various images/buttons
use crate::GLOBAL_FONT;
use async_trait::async_trait;
use image::imageops;
use image::{io::Reader, DynamicImage, ImageBuffer, Rgb, RgbImage};
use imageproc::drawing::draw_text_mut;
use rusttype::Scale;
use std::{
path::{Path, PathBuf},
use tracing::trace;
/// Retrieve an image from a path
pub fn retrieve_image(path: &Path) -> io::Result<DynamicImage> {
trace!("Retrieving image from filesystem");
.expect("Unable to decode image"))
pub mod cache {
use super::retrieve_image;
use base64::engine::{general_purpose, Engine};
use dirs::cache_dir;
use image::imageops::FilterType;
use image::io::Reader as ImageReader;
use image::DynamicImage;
use ring::digest;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use tracing::trace;
/// Loads an image from the system or retrieves it from the cache. If
/// the provided image is not already in the cache it will be inserted.
pub async fn load_image(path: PathBuf, resolution: (usize, usize)) -> Option<DynamicImage> {
// hash the image
let mut image = tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || retrieve_image(&path))
let image_hash = hash_image(image.as_bytes());
if let Some(image) = get_image_from_cache(&image_hash, resolution) {
trace!("Cached image is available");
return Some(image);
// TODO prevent multiple buttons from resizing the same image at the same time (performance
// improvement)
let image = tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || {
trace!("Resizing image");
image = image.resize_exact(
resolution.0 as u32,
resolution.1 as u32,
trace!("Resizing finished");
let mut path = match cache_dir() {
Some(dir) => dir,
None => return None, // System does not provide cache
path.push(image_cache_file_name(&image_hash, resolution));
/// Does the same thing as [load_image] but the images aspect ratio is preserved to fit in the specified resolution. Also see [image::DynamicImage::resize_to_fill]
// TODO: Duplicated code from load_image
pub async fn load_image_fill(
path: PathBuf,
resolution: (usize, usize),
) -> Option<DynamicImage> {
// hash the image
let mut image = tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || retrieve_image(&path))
let image_hash = hash_image(image.as_bytes());
if let Some(image) = get_image_from_cache(&image_hash, resolution) {
trace!("Cached image is available");
return Some(image);
// TODO prevent multiple buttons from resizing the same image at the same time (performance
// improvement)
let image = tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || {
trace!("Resizing image");
image = image.resize_to_fill(
resolution.0 as u32,
resolution.1 as u32,
trace!("Resizing finished");
let mut path = match cache_dir() {
Some(dir) => dir,
None => return None, // System does not provide cache
path.push(image_cache_file_name(&image_hash, resolution));
/// File name for a cached image
/// `<hash>-<height>x<width>`
pub fn image_cache_file_name(image_hash: &str, resolution: (usize, usize)) -> String {
format!("{}-{}x{}.png", image_hash, resolution.0, resolution.1)
pub fn hash_image(data: &[u8]) -> String {
let mut context = digest::Context::new(&digest::SHA256);
let hash = context.finish();
/// Try to retrieve an image from the cache. Will return None if
/// the image was not cached yet (or is not accessible)
/// or if the system does not provide a [dirs::cache_dir].
pub fn get_image_from_cache(
image_hash: &str,
resolution: (usize, usize),
) -> Option<DynamicImage> {
let mut path = match cache_dir() {
Some(dir) => dir,
None => return None, // System does not provide cache
path.push(image_cache_file_name(image_hash, resolution));
/// A red image which should represent an missing image or error
pub fn create_error_image() -> DynamicImage {
let mut error_img: RgbImage = ImageBuffer::new(1, 1);
for pixel in error_img.enumerate_pixels_mut() {
*pixel.2 = image::Rgb([240, 128, 128]);
trait Component {
async fn render(self) -> DynamicImage;
/// The ImageBuilder is an easy way to build images.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// ImageBuilder::new(20, 20)
/// .set_text("This is a test")
/// .build();
/// ```
pub struct ImageBuilder {
height: usize,
width: usize,
scale: f32,
font_size: f32,
text: Option<String>,
text_color: [u8; 3],
image: Option<PathBuf>,
impl Default for ImageBuilder {
fn default() -> ImageBuilder {
ImageBuilder {
// will get changed
height: 0,
// will get changed
width: 0,
scale: 60.0,
font_size: 16.0,
text: None,
// black
text_color: [255, 255, 255],
image: None,
impl ImageBuilder {
pub fn new(height: usize, width: usize) -> Self {
ImageBuilder {
pub fn set_image_scale(mut self, scale: f32) -> Self {
self.scale = scale;
pub fn set_text(mut self, text: String) -> Self {
self.text = Some(text);
pub fn set_font_size(mut self, font_size: f32) -> Self {
self.font_size = font_size;
pub fn set_text_color(mut self, text_color: [u8; 3]) -> Self {
self.text_color = text_color;
pub fn set_image(mut self, image: PathBuf) -> Self {
self.image = Some(image);
pub async fn build(self) -> DynamicImage {
// cannot use "if let" here, because variables would be moved
if self.text.is_some() && self.image.is_some() {
let c = ImageTextComponent {
height: self.height,
width: self.width,
image: self.image.unwrap(),
scale: self.scale,
font_size: self.font_size,
text_color: self.text_color,
text: self.text.unwrap(),
return c.render().await;
} else if let Some(text) = self.text {
let c = TextComponent {
height: self.height,
width: self.width,
font_size: self.font_size,
text_color: self.text_color,
return c.render().await;
} else if let Some(image) = self.image {
let c = ImageComponent {
height: self.height,
width: self.width,
scale: self.scale,
return c.render().await;
} else {
return create_error_image();
/// Component that just displays an image
struct ImageComponent {
height: usize,
width: usize,
scale: f32,
image: PathBuf,
impl Component for ImageComponent {
async fn render(self) -> DynamicImage {
let new_h = (self.height as f32 * (self.scale * 0.01)) as u32;
let new_w = (self.width as f32 * (self.scale * 0.01)) as u32;
let image = cache::load_image_fill(self.image, (new_h as usize, new_w as usize))
.expect("Image not available");
let mut base_image = RgbImage::new(self.height as u32, self.width as u32);
let free_x = self.width - image.width() as usize;
let free_y = self.height - image.height() as usize;
&mut base_image,
(free_x / 2) as i64,
(free_y / 2) as i64,
/// Component that just displays text
struct TextComponent {
height: usize,
width: usize,
font_size: f32,
text_color: [u8; 3],
text: String,
impl Component for TextComponent {
async fn render(self) -> DynamicImage {
let image = RgbImage::new(self.width as u32, self.height as u32);
let font_scale = Scale::uniform(self.font_size);
let text = wrap_text(self.height as u32, font_scale, &self.text);
let text_color = Rgb(self.text_color);
let image = tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || {
draw_text_on_image(text, image, text_color, font_scale)
/// Component that displays image and text
struct ImageTextComponent {
height: usize,
width: usize,
image: PathBuf,
scale: f32,
font_size: f32,
text_color: [u8; 3],
text: String,
impl Component for ImageTextComponent {
async fn render(self) -> DynamicImage {
let new_h = (self.height as f32 * (self.scale * 0.01)) as u32;
let new_w = (self.width as f32 * (self.scale * 0.01)) as u32;
let image = cache::load_image_fill(self.image, (new_h as usize, new_w as usize))
.expect("Image not available");
let base_image = RgbImage::new(self.height as u32, self.width as u32);
let font_scale = Scale::uniform(self.font_size);
let text = wrap_text(self.height as u32, font_scale, &self.text);
let text_color = Rgb(self.text_color);
let mut base_image = tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || {
draw_text_on_image(text, base_image, text_color, font_scale)
// position at the middle
let free_space = self.width - image.width() as usize;
// TODO: allow padding to be manually set
&mut base_image,
(free_space / 2) as i64,
self.height as i64 - image.height() as i64 - 5,
fn draw_text_on_image(
text: String,
image: RgbImage,
color: Rgb<u8>,
font_scale: Scale,
) -> RgbImage {
let mut image = image;
let font = &GLOBAL_FONT.get().unwrap();
let v_metrics = font.v_metrics(font_scale);
let line_height = (v_metrics.ascent - v_metrics.descent + v_metrics.line_gap).round() as i32;
let mut y_pos = 0;
for line in text.split('\n') {
draw_text_mut(&mut image, color, 0, y_pos, font_scale, font, &line);
y_pos += line_height
/// This functions adds '\n' to the line endings. It does not wrap
/// words but characters.
pub fn wrap_text(max_width: u32, font_size: Scale, text: &String) -> String {
let font = &GLOBAL_FONT.get().unwrap();
let mut new_text: Vec<char> = Vec::new();
let mut line_size = 0.0;
for character in text.chars() {
let h_size = font.glyph(character).scaled(font_size).h_metrics();
let complete_width = h_size.advance_width + h_size.left_side_bearing;
if (line_size + complete_width) as u32 > max_width {
line_size = 0.0;
line_size += h_size.advance_width + h_size.left_side_bearing;