mod blank; mod counter; use std::{ collections::HashMap, error::Error, future::Future, hash::Hash, pin::Pin, sync::Arc, thread::JoinHandle, }; use crate::{Button, DeviceConfig}; use async_trait::async_trait; pub use elgato_streamdeck as streamdeck; use futures_util::TryFutureExt; use image::DynamicImage; use log::{debug, error, info, trace, warn}; pub use streamdeck::info::ImageFormat; use streamdeck::AsyncStreamDeck; pub use streamdeck::StreamDeckError; use streamdeck::info::Kind; use tokio::sync::mpsc; use tokio::{ sync::Mutex, time::{sleep, Duration}, }; use self::blank::Blank; use self::counter::Counter; use lazy_static::lazy_static; type ModuleFunction = Box Result<(), ReturnError>>; /// Events that are coming from the host #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)] pub enum HostEvent { /// The button was pressed ButtonPressed, /// The button was released ButtonReleased, /// The channel was initialized and there were no events yet Init, } /// starts a module pub async fn start_module( button: Button, device: Arc, br: Arc>>, ) { trace!("Starting MODULE {}", button.index); let b = button.clone(); let da = DeviceAccess::new(device, button.index).await; let module = match button.module.as_str() { "counter" => Counter::run(da, br, b), _ => { error!("Module \'{}\' does not exist", button.module); Blank::run(da, br, b) } }; match module.await { Ok(_) => info!("MODULE {} closed", button.index), Err(e) => error!("MODULE {}: {:?}", button.index, e), } /* match Counter::run(device_access, button_receiver, button.clone()).await { Ok(_) => info!("MODULE {} closed", button.index), Err(e) => error!("MODULE {}: {:?}", button.index, e) }*/ } /* #[derive(Clone)] pub struct Bridge; impl Bridge { /*pub async fn start(&mut self) { /*tokio::join!(self.listener(), ColorModule::run(channel, button)) .1 .unwrap();*/ /*tokio::select! { v = ColorModule::run(self.button_receiver, button) => { match v { Ok(_) => info!("MODULE {} closed", self.button.index), Err(e) => error!("MODULE {}: {:?}", self.button.index, e) } }, _ = self.listener() => {} }*/ /*tokio::spawn(ColorModule::run(channel, button)); loop { self.listener().await; sleep(Duration::from_millis(10)).await; }*/ }*/ /* pub async fn listener(&mut self) { loop { if let Ok(event) = self.host_receiver.try_recv() { trace!("MODULE {}: {:?}", self.button.index, event); match event { ModuleEvent::Subscribe(e) =>, ModuleEvent::Image(i) => { println!("UPLOADED IMAGE") } } } sleep(Duration::from_millis(20)).await; } }*/ pub async fn start_module(&self, config: Button, module: F) where // Has to be the same as [Module::run] F: FnOnce(Receiver, Button) -> Fut, Fut: Future>>, { //let channel = ModuleChannel::new(self.sender.clone(), self.receiver.clone()).await; //module(channel, config).await; } }*/ /* /// A wrapper around the channel to provide easier communication for the module. It is designed to /// be not blocking. pub struct ModuleChannel { pub sender: Sender, pub receiver: Receiver, } #[derive(Debug)] pub enum ModuleChannelError { /// The host disconnected HostDisconnected, /// The message buffer is full. Either the host or the module is not consuming /// messages. BufferFull, /// The message buffer does not include any events for the module Empty, }*/ /* impl ModuleChannel { pub async fn new( sender: Sender, receiver: Receiver, ) -> ModuleChannel { ModuleChannel { sender, receiver } } /// Send a message without blocking - [crossbeam_channel::Sender::try_send] pub async fn send(&self, message: ModuleEvent) -> Result<(), ModuleChannelError> { self.sender .try_send(message) .map_err(|e| match e { crossbeam_channel::TrySendError::Full(_) => ModuleChannelError::BufferFull, crossbeam_channel::TrySendError::Disconnected(_) => { ModuleChannelError::HostDisconnected } }) } /// Receive messages without blocking - [crossbeam_channel::Receiver::try_recv] pub async fn receive(&self) -> Result { self.receiver.try_recv().map_err(|e| { match e { crossbeam_channel::TryRecvError::Empty => ModuleChannelError::Empty, crossbeam_channel::TryRecvError::Disconnected => { ModuleChannelError::HostDisconnected } } }) } pub async fn update_image(&self, img: DynamicImage) {} }*/ /// Wrapper to provide easier access to the Deck pub struct DeviceAccess { streamdeck: Arc, kind: Kind, index: u8, } impl DeviceAccess { pub async fn new(streamdeck: Arc, index: u8) -> DeviceAccess { let kind = streamdeck.kind(); DeviceAccess { streamdeck, kind, index } } /// write a raw image to the Deck pub async fn write_raw_img(&self, img: &[u8]) -> Result<(), StreamDeckError> { self.streamdeck.write_image(self.index, img).await } /// Write an image to the Deck pub async fn write_img(&self, img: DynamicImage) -> Result<(), StreamDeckError> { self.streamdeck.set_button_image(self.index, img).await } /// reset the image pub async fn clear_img(&self) -> Result<(), StreamDeckError> { self.streamdeck.clear_button_image(self.index).await } pub fn format(&self) -> ImageFormat { self.kind.key_image_format() } /// The resolution of the image on the Deck pub fn resolution(&self) -> (usize, usize) { self.format().size } pub fn kind(&self) -> Kind { self.kind } } pub type ReturnError = Box; pub type ChannelReceiver = Arc>>; #[async_trait] pub trait Module { async fn run( device: DeviceAccess, button_receiver: ChannelReceiver, config: Button, ) -> Result<(), ReturnError>; }