FO logo # Fabulously Optimized [![Official Website][img-website]][url-website] [![Support and Contribute][img-contribute]][url-contribute] [![Read the Wiki][img-wiki]][url-wiki] [![Mod list][img-mods]][file-mods] [![Changed Options][img-options]][url-options] [![Resource Packs][img-rp]][url-rp] [![Help us Translate][img-translate]][url-translate] [![Discord][img-discord]][url-discord] [![GitHub][img-github]][url-github] [![Mastodon][img-mastodon]][url-mastodon] A simple Minecraft modpack focusing on performance and graphics enhancements.
## Download [![Installation Guide][img-install]][url-install] [![CurseForge][img-cf]][url-cf] [![Modrinth][img-modrinth]][url-modrinth] > By downloading Fabulously Optimized, you have acknowledged the [disclaimers][url-terms]. We recommend and support five launchers, all of which can be used offline on πŸͺŸ Windows, 🐧 Linux and 🍏 macOS. See this table for a comparison between the launchers: | Launcher | Tutorial | Install | Upgrade | Add mods | Support us and mods | | --------------------------------------------- | :----------------------------------: | :-----------: | :-------------: | :-----------: | :-----------------: | | [CurseForge App][url-app-cf] | [πŸ”— Open][url-tutorial-cf] | βœ… Easy | βœ… Easy | βœ… Easy | βœ… Yes | | [Modrinth App][url-app-modrinth] | [πŸ”— Open][url-tutorial-modrinth] | βœ… Easy | βœ… Easy | βœ… Easy | βœ… Yes | | [Prism Launcher][url-app-prism] | [πŸ”— Open][url-tutorial-prism] | βœ… Easy | βœ… Easy | βœ… Easy | ⏺️[2] | | [MultiMC][url-app-multimc] | [πŸ”— Open][url-tutorial-multimc] | βœ… Easy | ❌ Manual | ❌ Manual | ⏺️[2] | | [MultiMC (auto-update)][url-app-mmcu] | [πŸ”— Open][url-tutorial-mmcu] | βœ… Easy | ⏺️[1] | ❌ Manual | ⏺️[2] | | [Minecraft Launcher (vanilla)][url-app-vanilla] | [πŸ”— Open][url-tutorial-vanilla] | ❌ Manual | ❌ Manual | ❌ Manual | ⏺️[2] | > [!NOTE] > > **[1]**: Updates to the modpack within the same Minecraft version are automatic. The modpack cannot be updated automatically across Minecraft versions. > > **[2]**: These launchers support the modpack and its mods by increasing their download count, but not with monetary benefits.
Download Resource Packs separately FO includes some resource packs [for a better experience][url-rp], but they can also be downloaded separately. | Resource Pack | CurseForge | Modrinth | Planet Minecraft | | ------------------------- | --------------------------- | ------------------------------- | ---------------------------------- | | **Chat Reporting Helper** | [CurseForge][url-rp-crh-cf] | [Modrinth][url-rp-crh-modrinth] | [Planet Minecraft][url-rp-crh-pmc] | | **Fast Better Grass** | [CurseForge][url-rp-fbg-cf] | [Modrinth][url-rp-fbg-modrinth] | [Planet Minecraft][url-rp-fbg-pmc] |
## Credits - [TheYTG123][url-credits-TheYTG123] on CurseForge who helped with Jumploader to release the 1.16.3 version a little faster - [triphora][url-credits-triphora] who suggested and helped with the Modrinth format, and formerly moderated the FO Discord server - [RozeFound][url-credits-RozeFound] for helping with Python scripts and providing lots of constructive feedback for the pack - [TheMadHau5][url-credits-TheMadHau5], [redbrain][url-credits-redbrain], [Kichura][url-credits-Kichura] for the [fancy mod table][file-mods] - [RaptaG][url-credits-RaptaG] and [Ultrasonic1209][url-credits-Ultrasonic1209] for the [Packwiz mod ignoring tutorials][url-tutorial-mmcu-ignoremods] - [IMB11][url-credits-IMB11] for the fancy website - [Miroma][url-credits-Miroma] for the current version of this readme - Other people creating pull requests for [the main project][url-github-main-graph], [wiki][url-github-wiki-graph] and [other organization projects][url-github-org] - People who have created videos about the modpack - Everyone who has suggested ideas and reported bugs! Special thanks to: - [jellysquid3][url-credits-jellysquid3] for creating [Sodium][url-credits-jellysquid3-sodium], [Lithium][url-credits-jellysquid3-lithium], [Phosphor][url-credits-jellysquid3-phosphor] which were the initial inspiration for creating the modpack - [LambdAurora][url-credits-LambdAurora] for creating [the list of OptiFine alternatives][url-credits-LambdAurora-alternatives] which the pack does get some mod ideas from, and [LambDynamicLights][url-credits-LambdAurora-LambDynamicLights] - [comp500][url-credits-comp500] for creating [Jumploader][url-credits-comp500-Jumploader] - a mod that made the modpack possible in Minecraft 1.16.x, [Indium][url-credits-comp500-Indium] - mod that provided the rendering API for Sodium for increased mod compatibility and [packwiz][url-credits-comp500-packwiz] - a tool that makes the MultiMC auto-update happen - Mod devs who have joined the Discord and are discussing the modpack's development there - All developers who made the mods that are, have been and will be in the modpack - Everyone who uses, tests and shares the modpack! [file-mods]: [img-cf]: [img-discord]: [img-github]: [img-install]: [img-mastodon]: [img-modrinth]: [img-mods]: [img-options]: [img-rp]: [img-contribute]: [img-translate]: [img-website]: [img-wiki]: [url-app-cf]: [url-app-mmcu]: [url-app-modrinth]: [url-app-multimc]: [url-app-prism]: [url-app-vanilla]: [url-cf]: [url-credits-comp500]: [url-credits-comp500-Jumploader]: [url-credits-comp500-Indium]: [url-credits-comp500-packwiz]: [url-credits-jellysquid3]: [url-credits-jellysquid3-lithium]: [url-credits-jellysquid3-phosphor]: [url-credits-jellysquid3-sodium]: [url-credits-Kichura]: [url-credits-LambdAurora]: [url-credits-LambdAurora-alternatives]: [url-credits-LambdAurora-LambDynamicLights]: [url-credits-RaptaG]: [url-credits-IMB11]: [url-credits-Miroma]: [url-credits-redbrain]: [url-credits-RozeFound]: [url-credits-TheMadHau5]: [url-credits-TheYTG123]: [url-credits-triphora]: [url-credits-Ultrasonic1209]: [url-discord]: [url-github]: [url-github-main-graph]: [url-github-wiki-graph]: [url-github-org]: [url-install]: [url-mastodon]: [url-modrinth]: [url-options]: [url-rate]: [url-rp]: [url-rp-crh-cf]: [url-rp-crh-modrinth]: [url-rp-crh-pmc]: [url-rp-fbg-cf]: [url-rp-fbg-modrinth]: [url-rp-fbg-pmc]: [url-terms]: [url-contribute]: [url-translate]: [url-tutorial-cf]: [url-tutorial-mmcu]: [url-tutorial-mmcu-ignoremods]: [url-tutorial-modrinth]: [url-tutorial-multimc]: [url-tutorial-prism]: [url-tutorial-vanilla]: [url-website]: [url-wiki]: