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2021-06-19 10:23:12 +00:00
# Fabulously Optimized changelog
2021-07-09 16:12:27 +00:00
This is the changelog for the Fabric modpack [Fabulously Optimized]( See the [version support FAQ](
2021-06-19 10:23:12 +00:00
2021-07-08 16:17:50 +00:00
## 1.17.1
Notes for all 1.17.1 releases:
* Curseforge Launcher: if you're upgrading from MC 1.16.x, please ☑️ Update to new Profile
2021-07-10 07:42:29 +00:00
* MultiMC: Minecraft 1.17.1 requires Java 16:
2021-07-10 07:35:52 +00:00
2021-10-30 16:38:05 +00:00
### 2.3.2
* Updated Architectury API, CIT Resewn, Continuity, Cull Leaves, Not Enough Crashes
2021-10-21 16:57:00 +00:00
### 2.3.1
* Added a small disclaimer to Mod Menu (via Mod Menu Helper)
* Disabled Mod Menu's deprecation warnings
* Configured MidnightLib (part of Cull Leaves) to be more vanilla-like
* Updated Cull Leaves, Dynamic FPS
2021-10-19 17:32:58 +00:00
### 2.3.0
New mods
* **Animatica** - Optifine's animated textures!
* **ToolTipFix** - makes sure all tooltips fit to screen
* **No Potion Offset** - removes the potion offset on Creative inventory (similar to 1.18)
Other stuff
* Game will attempt to reduce RAM usage when unfocused (enabled Dynamic FPS's GC on unfocus)
* Optimized the Mod Menu Helper resource pack and MultiMC/MultiMC (auto-update) icon
* Updated Fabric Loader
2021-10-19 17:34:14 +00:00
* Updated Architectury API, CIT Resewn, CompleteConfig, Continuity, Fabric API, Not Enough Crashes
2021-10-19 17:32:58 +00:00
2021-10-08 15:28:19 +00:00
### 2.2.1
2021-10-08 15:30:40 +00:00
2.2.0 had a bit of a rocky launch but we're back with mod updates!
2021-10-08 15:28:19 +00:00
* Fixed Curseforge Launcher installation (see [#140]( for more info)
* Fixed CIT Resewn config not being applied
* Added Russian translation for Mod Menu Helper by RozeFound
* Updated Architectury API, Fabric API, Fabric Language Kotlin, Language Reload, LittleTweaks, Mod Menu, Not Enough Crashes, Sodium Extra
2021-09-29 16:09:01 +00:00
### 2.2.0
New mods, new Mod Menu style and a new Discord server!
2021-10-08 15:28:19 +00:00
Also known as "the update that couldn't be installed with Curseforge Launcher".
2021-09-29 16:09:01 +00:00
New mods
* **Continuity** - Optifine's connected textures!
* **CIT Resewn** - Optifine's custom items!
* **Enhanced Block Entities** - makes chests, signs, beds etc. render faster
* **More Chat History** - increases chat history limit
* **Don't Clear Chat History** - keeps your written message log across worlds
* **Language Reload** - makes language switching instant
* **LittleTweaks** - adds audio output menu (1.18 parity!)
Removed mods
* **FastChest** - replaced by Enhanced Block Entities
* **Better Beds** - replaced by Enhanced Block Entities
Other stuff
* Mod Menu now has a consistent list of mods' features and options (provided by a bundled resource pack)
* Hidden Fabric Language Kotlin and Indium from Mod Menu as they are just APIs
* Enabled children mod counting in Mod Menu (Sodium Extra and Reese's Sodium Options are now reflected)
* Reverted vanilla's particle settings defaults as they are better managed in Sodium Extra's settings anyway
* MultiMC and MultiMC auto-update now use Fabric's default Java arguments (smoother experience)
2021-09-29 16:11:27 +00:00
* Updated Architectury API, Colormatic, Cull Leaves, Mod Menu, Not Enough Crashes
2021-09-29 16:09:01 +00:00
2021-09-11 06:39:45 +00:00
### 2.1.1
* Temporary fix for first launch crash
* Fixed tree leaves glitching (thanks, Altirix!)
* Updated Fabric API
2021-09-06 16:25:19 +00:00
### 2.1.0
It is time to finally release Fabulously Optimized for Minecraft 1.17.1! Here are the major updates from 1.9.1 to 2.1.0:
2021-09-29 16:09:01 +00:00
New mods
2021-09-06 16:25:19 +00:00
* **Iris** - Optifine shaders! [See here]( for the recommended ones.
* **LambdaBetterGrass** - Optifine's "better grass"!
* **CustomEntityModels** - Optifine's custom entity models (partial support, see mod description)
* **AdvancementInfo** - bigger and more detailed advancement screen
* **Better Mount HUD** - improves the HUD while riding a horse, like in Bedrock Edition
* **Reese's Sodium Options** - makes the graphics settings vertical to make sure all options fit and look good
* **WI Zoom** - a simple, scrollable zoom mod
* **Indium** - adds Rendering API to Sodium, which makes some important parity mods work
* **YOSBR** - keeps your settings across modpack updates
2021-09-29 16:09:01 +00:00
Removed mods
2021-09-06 16:25:19 +00:00
* **Ok Zoomer** - servers can now disable or limit your zoom, I think *you* should be in charge of that
* **Custom Fog** - Sodium Extra now provides a simpler fog management experience
* **Smooth Scrolling Everywhere** - seems to be abandoned
* **Phosphor** - not yet updated
2021-09-29 16:09:01 +00:00
Other changes
2021-09-06 16:25:19 +00:00
* New default options [(
* Curseforge pack is now 100% Fabric (faster launch and better mod management)
* An auto-updating MultiMC pack is available on GitHub
* Now using semantic versioning
* All mods updated
* For more changes between alpha and beta versions, see the changelog
### Changes from beta 4 to release
* Added AdvancementInfo, Better Mount HUD, Reese's Sodium Options
* MultiMC (auto-update) is now split by version for future-proofing, please re-download if you use it
* Updated Iris+Sodium, Lithium, Sodium Extra, Custom Entity Models, Not Enough Crashes, Mod Menu, Fabric API, Fabric Language Kotlin, Architectury API
2021-08-25 13:28:13 +00:00
### 2.1.0-beta.4
* LambdaBetterGrass (Optifine's "better grass"!)
* CustomEntityModels and CompleteConfig (Optifine's custom entity models, in alpha though)
* Colormatic (water/biome colors, FO 1.9.1 parity)
* FastChest and Better Beds (were removed in the previous beta)
* Enhanced Block Entities (postponing the addition due to mod compatibility bugs)
Updated mods: FerriteCore, Mod Menu, Fabric API, Architectury API
2021-08-12 16:32:28 +00:00
### 2.1.0-beta.3
2021-08-25 13:28:13 +00:00
It's time to test Indium! Please let me know how it goes: [the poll has ended]
2021-08-12 16:32:28 +00:00
Changes from beta 2
* Added Indium (rendering API, allows for more parity mods in the future)
* Added Enhanced Block Entities (makes chests, signs, bells and beds render faster)
* Removed FastChest and Better Beds (replaced by Enhanced Block Entities)
* Removed Custom Fog (Sodium Extra provides a simpler experience for most people)
* Mods updated: Architectury API, Cloth Config API, Dynamic FPS, Fabric API, Fabric Capes, LambDynamicLights
Thanks for 100 000 downloads!
2021-07-29 16:05:34 +00:00
### 2.1.0-beta.2
Changes from beta 1
* Replaced Sodium with Iris+Sodium for shaders and bugfixes
* Reset global graphics to Fancy to make Cull Leaves work
* Mods updated
2021-07-18 06:52:20 +00:00
### 2.1.0-beta.1
2021-07-18 06:54:02 +00:00
Changes from alpha 3
2021-07-18 06:52:20 +00:00
* Added Sodium and Sodium Extra
* Removed Canvas
* Removed AntiGhost keybind to prevent accidental presses (you can use /ghost)
* Updated mods
2021-07-15 16:45:36 +00:00
### 2.1.0-alpha.3
Changes from a2
* (No Sodium yet)
* Added Custom Fog back
* Enabled Cull Leaves by default
* Mods updated
2021-07-15 16:47:40 +00:00
* Now using semantic versioning
2021-07-15 16:45:36 +00:00
2021-07-10 07:35:52 +00:00
### 2.1.0a2
Changes from a1
* (No Sodium yet)
* Readded 'Slight' Gui Modifications and Fabrishot
* Fixed version in the main menu
* Updated mods
2021-07-08 16:17:50 +00:00
### 2.1.0a1
First alpha for 1.17.1!
2021-07-08 16:35:02 +00:00
* Temporarily added Canvas again because Iris+Sodium broke with 1.17.1
2021-07-08 16:17:50 +00:00
* Added FerriteCore back
2021-07-08 16:35:02 +00:00
* Removed mods that broke with 1.17.1: Iris+Sodium, 'Slight' Gui Modifications, Fabrishot
2021-07-08 16:17:50 +00:00
* You cannot see the version in the main menu at the moment
* Updated mods
2021-06-19 10:23:12 +00:00
## 1.17
2021-07-08 16:17:50 +00:00
2021-06-19 10:23:12 +00:00
Notes for all 1.17 releases:
2021-07-08 16:17:50 +00:00
2021-06-19 10:23:12 +00:00
* Curseforge Launcher: if you're upgrading from MC 1.16.x, please ☑️ Update to new Profile
* MultiMC: Minecraft 1.17 requires Java 16:
2021-07-01 08:53:57 +00:00
### 2.0.0b4
Differences from b3
* Added **Iris with Sodium**! (Yes, FPS boost and Optifine shaders!)
* Set the default graphics to fast for general performance improvement
* Re-enabled dynamic light for entities in LambDynamicLights
* Updated mods
* Removed Canvas
* FO is currently still in beta because 1.17.1 is coming soon and Sodium Extra is not there yet
2021-06-21 16:55:59 +00:00
### 2.0.0b3
Differences from b2
* (No Sodium yet)
* Added Hydrogen, No Fade, Not Enough Crashes back
* Mods updated
2021-06-22 12:08:51 +00:00
* Experimental auto-updating MultiMC pack is available on Github, try it out! (packwiz by comp500)
2021-06-21 16:55:59 +00:00
2021-06-19 10:23:12 +00:00
### 2.0.0b2
Differences from b1
* Sodium is not there yet, please have patience
* Mods updated, should fix some graphics issues
* Added Fabrishot back
* Inclusion of Not Enough Crashes is delayed because it is still an alpha
* Reverted FOV change for better FPS in some devices
* Fixed an issue that could show the wrong version number in the main menu
### 2.0.0b1
* Several mods still missing, including Sodium
* Sodium temporarily replaced with Canvas
* Ok Zoomer temporarily/permanently replaced with WI Zoom
* Added YOSBR to keep your settings between modpack upgrades
* More new mods will come in a stable release!
* Added [new default options]( to improve the experience
* CF version is now 100% Fabric, meaning faster startup and better mod management!
## 1.16.5
### 1.9.1
* Several mods updated
* Sodium Extra update skipped because it temporarily changes the UI
### 1.9.0
New mods
* **FerriteCore** - reduces RAM usage
* **LazyDFU** - improves startup speed even more
* **Better Beds** - improves FPS when around beds (villager farms, anyone?)
* **Item Model Fix** - fixes transparent gaps in held items
Removed mods
* **Raised Clouds** - Sodium Extra now includes a more intuitive cloud height setting
Other stuff
* Lots of mod updates
* The new mods were suggested by the community, thank you!
### 1.8.0
New mods
* **EntityCulling Fabric/Forge** - stops rendering entities that are behind a wall, useful in large servers and mobfarms
Other stuff
* SmoothBoot's config system slightly changed and it is now smaller
* Mods updated
### 1.7.1
New mods:
* **No Fade** - makes game startup and resourcepack loading faster by removing some animations
Other stuff
* Sodium Extra got an update with many new toggles, check them out!
* Jumploader got support for Microsoft Accounts, so you can upgrade now when Mojang asks you to (only if you use CF or vanilla launcher)
* Fixed zoom key by unbinding the save toolbar activator by default (that option was always there... oops)
* 25k download milestone! Thank you all for the support!
* Mods updated
* Yes, I added another new mod but I felt like that one didn't warrant a new major update lol, it also might get included with 'Slight' Gui Modifications later on
### 1.7.0
New mods:
* **Hydrogen** - somewhat reduces RAM usage (in my case 2,8 GB -> 2,6 GB)
Other stuff:
* Several mods updated
* The modpack size is much bigger for Curseforge now, because Hydrogen is an external mod
* Sodium Extra update currently skipped as the next version will fix an issue
* Cull Leaves changed the way its config works - if you are upgrading, you may delete the json5 file
### 1.6.0
New mods
* **Sodium Extra** - adds toggles to Sodium settings: animations, particles, weather, fog, FPS indicator
* **Cloth Config API** - makes the config work in many mods, now it is separate to reduce space (every mod doesn't have to include it)
Other stuff
* Updated mods
### 1.5.2
* Hid Minecraft, Jumploader and Cloth API from Mod Menu (because they are not really mods, but dependencies)
* Updated mods
### 1.5.1
* Mod Menu received a major configurability update, so I've made it more cleaner-looking
* Removed Better Mod Button mod as it is now redundant
* Not Enough Crashes received a lot of updates for better detection and compatibility
* Updated mods
### 1.5.0
New mods
* **FastChest** - greatly improves FPS when surrounded by chests (e.g. in a storage room)
* **Cull Leaves** - optionally makes fancy tree leaves more see-through, which could improve FPS (enable in mod settings)
Other stuff
* Dynamic FPS and Custom Fog have new config screens, tweak ahead!
* Fancy introduction video - see main page!
* Slightly improved manifests for both launchers
* Updated mods
* MultiMC: Not Enough Crashes is 2.1.4+1.16.2 due to CF error
### 1.5.0b2
* Mods updated
* Improved manifests for both launchers
* Dynamic FPS now has a config screen so it can be disabled or configured
* Lithium and Custom Fog are missing, waiting for an update
* MultiMC: Not Enough Crashes is 2.1.4+1.16.2 due to CF error
### 1.5.0b1
* Lithium and Custom Fog are currently incompatible and therefore missing
* Mods updated
* MultiMC doesn't list 1.16.5 yet, so I cannot update it (Edit: added later, same Not Enough Crashes comment applies)
## 1.16.4
### 1.4.5
* Mods updated
* You may notice that there are less mods now - this is normal as some APIs are now properly marked as such, the main mods are still the same
* Curseforge: fixed Fabric Loader update
* MultiMC: Not Enough Crashes is 2.1.4+1.16.2 due to CF error
### 1.4.4
* Mods updated
* MultiMC: Not Enough Crashes is 2.1.4+1.16.2 due to CF error
### 1.4.3
* Mods updated
* MultiMC: Not Enough Crashes is 2.1.4+1.16.2 due to CF error
### 1.4.2
* Mods updated
* Added Architectury because 'Slight' Gui Modifications now depends on it
* In MultiMC, Not Enough Crashes is at version 2.1.4+1.16.2 (due to CF error) but according to the developer it is identical to newer anyway.
### 1.4.1
* Mods updated
### 1.4.0
**Now stable with more ways to optimize!**
* Smooth Boot - makes the game use less power when it starts
* Custom Fog - lets you customize the fog distance and density
* AntiGhost - fixes getting stuck in blocks with the press of G
* Lithium is back
* Mods updated
### 1.4.0b2
* Lithium is currently incompatible and therefore missing
* Mods updated
### 1.4.0b1
**Fastest beta release yet, thanks to Jumploader magic!**
* Lithium is currently incompatible and therefore missing
* Mods updated
## 1.16.3
### 1.3.4
* Added a clickable modpack version to title screen (courtesy of 'Slight' Gui Modifications)
* Adjusted Fabric Capes config to show all types and default to Minecraft Capes
* Removed Minecraft Capes mod because Fabric Capes already provided it
* Mods updated
### 1.3.3
* Mods updated
### 1.3.2
* Colormatic readded.
### 1.3.1
Thanks to users' feedback, the mod list has been updated.
* Ok Zoomer - fancy zooming mod, back by a popular demand (configurable)
* Fabric Capes - gives options for viewing Optifine, LabyMod and MinecraftCapes' capes in-game
* Fabric Language Kotlin - needed for Fabric Capes
* OF Capes - replaced by Fabric Capes
### 1.3.0
Sodium has been updated, so it's time for a release!
* OF Capes - lets you see Optifine capes and zoom
* MinecraftCapes - lets you get a free cape, textured elytra or mouse ears (configurable)
* Raised Clouds - lets you adjust the cloud height like Optifine (configurable)
* Fabrishot - lets you take a high-res screenshot like Optifine (press F9, configurable)
* motioNO - now built-in, find it under Accessibility Settings... > FOV Effects
* Ok Zoomer - OF Capes mod also provides zoom, so it is not needed
* Colormatic - currently crashes with Sodium, will readd after an update
* Mods updated
### 1.3.0b1
**First beta with Twitch launcher.**
* Sodium still missing
* Canvas added as replacement
* TheYTG123 helped me get a Twitch Launcher-compatible version even though it wasn't listed. Hint: Jumploader manifest.
* Mods updated
### 1.3.0a1 (MultiMC)
First alpha version only for MultiMC, stuck next to 1.16.2 versions because Twitch launcher did not list that version yet.
* Sodium and Lithium are missing
* Canvas temporarily added as a replacement
* motioNO is removed
## 1.16.2
### 1.2.0b2
* Sodium still missing
* Canvas temporarily added
* Mods updated
### 1.2.0b1
**First beta for 1.16.2.**
* Sodium is missing
* Canvas added as a temporary replacement. Thanks fishywishyef for the suggestion!
* motioNO is removed as it is built-in to 1.16.2.
### 1.2.0a1 (MultiMC)
A never-released version because Curseforge doesn't like MultiMC-only versions. Ah well.
## 1.16.1
### 1.1.2
* Mods updated
### 1.1.1
* Mods updated
### 1.1.0
Major update with new mods.
* Dynamic FPS - renders Minecraft slower if it is in the background to save memory
* Smooth Scrolling Everywhere - makes the scrolling smooth on various menus
* 'Slight' Gui Modifications - adds fancy animations to the menus and containers
* Colormatic - adds support for Optifine resource packs' custom colors
### 1.0.1
Updated mods.
* Replaced Jumploader and Forge with real Fabric
* Added icon
### 1.0.1a1
A testing version to see if making mods optional is handled well in Twitch launcher. Hint: it isn't.
### 1.0.0
First release for Twitch and MultiMC launchers. Containing:
* Better Mod Button
* Fabric API
* Jumploader
* LambDynamicLights
* Lithium (Fabric)
* Mod Menu
* motioNO
* Not Enough Crashes
* Ok Zoomer
* Phosphor (Fabric)
* Sodium